Talk Exchange
Talk Exchange is the official podcast for the National Exchange Club. Each episode will bring a fun, fresh conversation with the NEC executive staff and guests. Please contact us with feedback, requests and ideas for the show at: info@NationalExchangeClub.org and THANKS for listening!
Hosted by the National Exchange Club
Produced by Applo Multimedia Group
Talk Exchange
Episode 36 - Marketing 101
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Welcome to a very informative episode on marketing, from local expert Christina Redrup. Christina is a partner to Exchange, as her firm, Communica, developed the new and improved Exchange website.
Some of the marketing topics from today's episode include:
- Billboards
- Ad spending
- How to reach your target audience
- Geofencing
- Email marketing automation
- Social Media
- Blog posts
And much more!
To watch today's episode via our YouTube channel, click the link below:
Thanks for listening! See you next time!