Talk Exchange
Talk Exchange is the official podcast for the National Exchange Club. Each episode will bring a fun, fresh conversation with the NEC executive staff and guests. Please contact us with feedback, requests and ideas for the show at: info@NationalExchangeClub.org and THANKS for listening!
Hosted by the National Exchange Club
Produced by Applo Multimedia Group
Talk Exchange
Episode 50 - Salute to the Bravest
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Welcome back! Our guests today are Annette Petruzzi and Regina Kiernan, who are here to talk about their event in Connecticut called "Salute to the Bravest", which honors first responders.
Hopefully this gives you some ideas on what's possible in your own chapter, and/or additional ideas for similar events you have already hosted.
To enjoy today's episode via our YouTube channel, click below:
Thanks for listening! See you next time!