Talk Exchange
Talk Exchange is the official podcast for the National Exchange Club. Each episode will bring a fun, fresh conversation with the NEC executive staff and guests. Please contact us with feedback, requests and ideas for the show at: info@NationalExchangeClub.org and THANKS for listening!
Hosted by the National Exchange Club
Produced by Applo Multimedia Group
Talk Exchange
Episode 56 - Convention 2025 Keynote Speaker, Marli Williams
National Exchange Club
Season 2
Episode 56
Comments about the show? Let us know! We love feedback!
Welcome to a fun episode of Talk Exchange with our guest Marli Williams, who will be the Keynote Speaker at our 2025 National Convention!
Marli covers a lot of topics, but a few highlights include:
- Her story and how she came to be a recognized national speaker
- Understanding how adults learn
- The importance of teaching leadership and leadership retreats
- How it's so easy to get stuck in our "day to day"
- Asking yourself: "what is the smallest change I can make that makes the biggest difference?"
If you'd like to enjoy today's show via our YouTube channel, click below:
Thanks for listening! See you next time!